Increasingly donors would want to know the impact of their support to organisations. Organisations are also tightening up their accountability measures to report to their partners, shareholders and the community at large on the progress of their work and the impact of closed projects. This can be done through internal monitoring of the implementing of your project against set objective and or through an external evaluation of the project. This culture that promotes efficiency and accountability necessitated that every member of your organisation needs to be familiar with what their job contributes to the bigger picture. At DrMzi, we will work with you and tailor a training on M&E that is centered on your organisations strategic goals, objectives and plans. For assistance with your external evaluations see ‘Research’.


There is nothing as disappointing and wasteful as under-analysed data. Qualitative data collection is a very costly exercise and once you have taken the trouble to mobilize your target community, got consent and conducted the interviews, surely you want to get the most out of the data. Properly analysed data will give your client and audience rich understandings of the phenomenon under study and also generate new information. at DrMzi, we offer training to your teams on how to analyse qualitative data. Should you have collected and transcribed data and need to outsource your data analysis, please contact. Please note that we do not assist postgraduate students with data analysis.


Data transcription follows particular disciplinary conversions. Analysis and writing up of research findings is made easier with good quality transcribed data. At DrMzi we offer training sessions to teams of transcribers on how to transcribe and translate (if needs be) audio-recorded qualitative interview data. If you have collected data and need to outsource your data transcription, please contact us. Please note that we are unable to assist post-graduate students with data transcriptions.

DrMzi offers research services from conceptualisation to reporting and dissemination of results. In addition to this we offer research training for the following:


We deliver talks, seminars on training for teams of researchers, funders, academic departments and postgraduate students. We offer interactive, participatory and reflexive training on research ethics. Our research training goes beyond introduction to research principles, we focus on how to make the right decisions when faced with ethical dilemmas.

Research CE 1
Figure 1: Community-engagement for research in Mpumalanga
DATA COLLECTION: survey and in-depth

Research studies, routine program data collection, pre and post studies, social facilitation and community engagement requires collection, management, analysis and interpretation of data. We recognize that not everybody has had an opportunity to study research formally.  Even for some who have studied research, they may benefit from further training. At DrMzi we have experience in working with data collection teams for varied projects, and backgrounds. We use this wealth of experience to offer and share data collection skills. We train on quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, and we will also train study managers and coordinators on Train-the-Trainer and how to supervise data collection. If you have developed and finalised your tools and you need help with data collection, please contact us. Please note that we do not assist post-graduate students with data collection.