The Small Project and Support Fund (SPSF) is a project funded by Bread for the World (BfdW) to support small local initiatives that are made up of committed and dedicated people who may belong to any of these structures: self-help groups, community based organisations (CBO’s), faith based organisations (FBO’s) or smaller non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) or small local networks and their members working within their vicinity and context to improve the lives of the marginalised.
The grant will support a maximum number of 17 small projects in Kwa Zulu Natal, Mpumalanga, and Eastern Cape per annum. Selected applications will need to meet Ukusekela due diligence requirements.
There are no thematic focus areas and applicants are encouraged to submit applications that relate to work that will benefit their local communities.
For more information the RFA and on how to apply, follow this link: